We have a vast range of knowledge and experience with many bookkeeping software applications. Ask how we can help you with a new business software set up, payroll or accounting package upgrades, Add on’s, specific reporting, time tracking, CRM customer relationship management, job management, inventory, data conversions, off cloud or on cloud, we will discuss what you want & what will best fit your business needs, we have you covered.
We pride ourselves in keeping up to date with all our Ceritfied Partners, because we want ‘only the best’ solutions for our clients. We can provide you with bookkeeping software set up, implementation and training with unlimited support to answer all those ‘how to’ questions plus more.
Working together to achieve effective results!
Get a real-time view of your cashflow.
Log in online anytime, anywhere on your Mac, PC, tablet or phone to get a real-time view of your cashflow. It’s small business accounting and bookkeeping software that’s simple, smart and occasionally magical.
All in one
Bank Feeds, Purchases, Invoicing, GST, Payroll, Payday filing, Mobile Apps, more than just numbers dashboard. Call Laura today, ask her about which Online Accounting, Bookkeeping, Payroll software would fit in with you, your business, now and in the future.
Stress Free Payroll
Whether you employ permanent staff or contractors, Payhero developed by Flexitime NZ made for NZ Employers If you’re looking for payroll that is accurate, compliant and easy for you and your employees to use.
Online payroll software, Payhero

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